¿Qué son los prebióticos, uso en la Industria Alimentaria y cuáles son sus beneficios según la Sociedad Española de Microbiota, Probióticos y Prebióticos (SEPyP)?


Qué son los prebióticos Nuestra experiencia como centro de innovación alimentario nos permite explicar con todo detalle qué son los prebióticos, ya que trabajamos con ellos a diario.  Que son realmente los prebióticos  Los prebióticos son alimentos (generalmente con alto contenido de fibra) que actúan como nutrientes para la microbiota humana. Los prebióticos se utilizan […]

The American market is already committed to the first loncheables ketchup sauces


(05/07/2018) At Sigma Biotech, we have been developing an innovative range of textured table sauces in sliced ​​formats for more than a year, achieving a powerful knowledge on the elaboration of such products (http://sigmabiotech.es/sigma-biotech-desarrolla-una- range-sauces-table-formats-lunch-cubes /). Our technical team was able to develop ketchup, lactonesa-pineapple and honey-mustard, although thanks to the know-how generated it is […]

Sigma Biotech develops a range of table sauces in slicable formats and cubes


(13/06/2017) The technical team of Sigma Biotech, in its tireless desire to be at the forefront in innovation, has developed a highly revolutionary product in terms of conventional sauces presentation formats, designing a range of TEXTURED SAUCES, presented in 3 flavor bases that give place in turn to a very attractive chromatic diversity for sale: […]

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